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3H Catalyst  for Government


Addressing a Critical Need


Increasingly, there is an emphasis on engaging with the citizens to achieve better results on all service delivery mechanisms, development projects and citizen-focused programs. Building a citizen engagement model has been emphasized, for example, by the World bank which has created a new mandate that Citizen Engagement be mainstreamed in all its programs, policies and projects. Governments, and officials within its bureaucratic structures increasingly need to be conversant with different frameworks and methodologies of effective citizen engagement, whether in the form of feedback mechanisms, grievance redress or participation in civic programs.


For citizen engagement to be effective, officials at all levels in government have to be equipped with tools to systematically, effectively and efficiently adopt citizen engagement mechanisms and methodologies.




Provide consulting services to Governments and government bodies so that they can serve citizens better through efficient processes and sustaining the same through effective training programmes.









  • Provide capacity building workshops to government officials in various departments that enhance their ability to adopt citizen engagement mechanisms and methodologies.

  • End to end project consultancy services to carry out citizen engagement projects for departments that require such services


3HCatalyst has trainers with a strong background in social research methodologies, training and capacity building of government and non-government stakeholders interested in citizen engagement. Course modules could include courses on:

Project Consultancy Services

Survey research methodologies including questionnaire design, sampling, data collection, analysis and reporting


Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Methodologies


Data analysis, interpretation


Citizen engagement Workshops

Citizen Charters, Citizen Report Cards, Community Score Cards, Grievance Redress Mechanisms

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Contact Us

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3H Catalyst,  

Bengaluru- 560082.

Tel. 9663222362

© 2019 Catalyst Trust.

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